5 Tips for PSLE English Composition

Getting ready for the PSLE journey with your Primary 6 stars? Well, you know the importance of acing all subjects. In PSLE English, one spotlight shines on English Composition, and it is not just about good language: it’s about unleashing your child’s creativity and storytelling skills.

As we dive into the world of PSLE English Composition Writing, let’s reveal five secret tips to unlock your child’s storytelling magic.

Tip 1: Read Widely and Wisely

Get your child excited about reading. This is a fun way to boost their writing skills and make them confident writers. It’s like having an extensive toolbox of ideas for their writing. This enhances their vocabulary and exposes them to different writing styles. 

Tip 2: Make a Plan 

Help your child understand the importance of planning and organizing their writing. In practice, please encourage them to jot down their ideas, characters, and the story’s events before they start writing on the actual English composition paper.

Guiding them to create a solid beginning, middle, and end for their story for their English composition paper is extremely important to receive favourable scores. The start should grab the reader’s attention and introduce the scene. The middle part dives into the story, adding excitement. Lastly, a good ending ties up everything neatly and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

By showing them this planning trick, your child will have a roadmap for their creative writing, ensuring their stories flow smoothly and capture the reader’s imagination.

Tip 3: Make it Colourful

Tell your child to get creative with their words—it’s like magic that takes readers into the world of their story. Using exciting descriptions makes the reader feel everything. Show them how to use describing words like adjectives, similes, and metaphors to make their characters and settings come alive. 

Get them to use all five senses to make the story feel real. This makes their writing more exciting and helps them become super good at noticing and understanding the world around them. It’s like turning their story into a colourful painting with words!

Tip 4: Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of plainly stating emotions, please encourage them to use actions, dialogue, and sensory details. Teach your child the magic of “show, don’t tell” to make their writing captivating. 

This technique allows the reader to interpret emotions and connect deeply with the story, enhancing your child’s creative writing and leaving a lasting impact on the reader. It’s like turning words into a vibrant adventure in the reader’s mind!

Tip 5: Revise

Explain to your child the significance of revising and editing to refine their ideas and ensure clarity and coherence in their creative writing. 

Encourage them to engage in reading their compositions aloud to detect awkward phrasing, grammatical hiccups, and areas that need enhancement.

As parents, your crucial support and guidance play a pivotal role in cultivating their creative talents. By incorporating these tips, your child can transform the writing process into a creative adventure. You equip them with the fundamental tools to score high using creative writing in their English PSLE.

AuthorYvonne Hernandez

Yvonne Hernandez is a 35-year-old CEO who enjoys recycling, podcasting and tennis. She is kind and creative, but can also be very lazy and a bit impatient.