Top Benefits of English Tuition in Singapore

English is the most spoken language, with about 1.5 billion speakers globally. It is no surprise that many countries, including Singapore, have English as the default language. Tuition is not unique to Singaporean parents, and many opt for English tuition for multiple reasons. 

Here are the top benefits of English tuition.

Refine Communication Skills

Since a quarter of the world’s population speaks English, it is the most recognized language in the world. When people converge in a conference hall, English is the language used. People who don’t understand it are forced to rely on interpreters. 

Unfortunately, one may only sometimes have an interpreter, so learning and perfecting the language is the best option. When children attend English tuition in Singapore, they can learn how to communicate using English effectively. 

The English Language Is Complex

English, just like other any other language, has a vast vocabulary. No one can claim to have exhaustively covered the dictionary or the English vocabulary. However, regular practice will expose students to an extensive vocabulary and knowledge of more words they may never have encountered. 

English tutors use multiple avenues to expose students to a range of new vocabulary. They include reading books, both fiction and non-fiction. Storytelling and spelling lessons are also great for expanding a student’s knowledge of the English language. 

Students Get Better At Spelling And Pronunciation

Many students struggle with both spoken and written English. This is more common among students who don’t speak English at home. Although over 50% of Singaporean homes use English as the primary language at home, many still use other languages, such as Chinese and its dialects. 

This limits the opportunities a child has to speak English. English tuition gives students extra hours to learn English, which might be a secondary language for some families in Singapore but is likely to be their primary language in the future. 

Stimulates An Interest In English

Some students take English as a subject for granted because they can speak and write it well. However, English enrichment classes do much more than teach students how to speak and write correctly. 

They also stimulate students to develop an interest in English and all it entails. Your child will learn to look beyond words and deeper into what they mean. Unfortunately, English tends to have multiple meanings for a single word, and students are expected to understand the context, especially in advanced classes. 

Discover An Interest In English-Related Careers

All the great poets and literature experts started by showing an interest in English. When children attend English enrichment, they have the space to explore what English has to offer and if they can succeed in an English-based career, especially in Singapore. 

Children who develop an interest in reading early in life can progress to become great writers. English tuition hones these skills, and the tutors guide them to fulfil their destiny as linguists and writers.

English may appear easy, but many people struggle with it, especially if it is not their first language. English tuition is an excellent way to get students to develop an interest in the language and all it offers.

AuthorYvonne Hernandez

Yvonne Hernandez is a 35-year-old CEO who enjoys recycling, podcasting and tennis. She is kind and creative, but can also be very lazy and a bit impatient.